Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"Are we on top of the Earth?"

Have you ever flown in a plane?  Earlier this week, I hopped on a plane heading to L.A. and as we took off, the sky and water kind of melded into one image and it was simply gorgeous.  You could see ships, but since everything was one big grey canvas, it looked like the ships were floating in the sky.  I don't really do the image justice with my little drawing here, but I hope it helps you to imagine what it looked like.  
My favorite part of the trip was when the kid seated in front of me asked "Are we on top of the Earth?"  I kind of paused for a second because I never thought about flying that way, but  I realized that, "We are, kid!  We are!"  Not like astronauts or anything, but it's still pretty awesome.  I just love how kids think and how their most innocent statements or questions make you look at the world in a different way.  Every time I fly now will be a new experience to me.  Cheers to new experiences!

<3 Beri

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